Friday, February 15, 2019

Garden Worshippers

Garden Worshippers

John spoke of a realm of Heaven he encountered in the book of Revelation. This realm was a holy place where the throne room of God is and the 24 elders are found. It is where the Lamb that was slain was opening the scroll and where the angels and the elders fell down on their faces worshipping God in all of His wonder and beauty, crying holy, holy, holy is the Lord, and worthy  is the Lord to receive glory, honor, and power! John began to cry aloud when he thought there was no one able to open and read the written words on the scroll. Then one of the elders came to John and said, “Stop Weeping. Look!” and John saw the Lamb that was slain and now is alive and that He was the One able to open the seals and read the scroll. Then they all fell on their face again worshipping. John not only saw this realm while he was still a man on the earth, but he was there because one of the elders came up to him and spoke directly to him about the One worthy to open the scroll.

Today, there is a people, hidden away, that has found the garden and there they cry, “Holy, holy, holy are You Lord.” There is a sound in the land that is being released into the throne room, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain,” and these people are on their faces crying for the Lamb to come and open the scroll and release the words inside. These are the ones that have knowledge of the true meaning of “Holy are You Lord,” and they sing from the “pavement like a crystal sea of glass” that is in the holy place. They are releasing a sound into the earth, beckoning others to come into that holy place where all worship from a low position where their faces are down and casting all they are at His feet. Nothing can replace this. Nothing this world offers will draw them out from the worship on their lips to the Lord of lords. They sing with the angels and the elders. Here on earth the land has a sound in the ground calling out for the sons and daughters to manifest. Heaven hears the sounds of the earth crying aloud and responds with the sound of the ones that are encountering the holy place as John spoke about in Revelation. We are about to see these worshippers arise from their hidden gardens and call His children, His Bride, and His lost ones to come out from among the world and tune their attention to the words of the Lamb, the Lamb that is alive! Jesus has a word for us and He is reading from the scrolls of Heaven. We will begin to encounter those so caught up, so lost in Jesus, that we won’t even recognize them as individuals, but will know them as the true worshippers. They will produce a sound that comes only from the ones that have stepped into a realm like the one John spoke about, where they are abiding in Him and sing from around His throne. When we hear this sound we will know that we have experienced a calling and a beckoning to set our gaze on the Lamb and all of Heaven will be waiting for our reply. Can you hear the sound of Heaven over you? Run into your hiding place and step into His holy realm today. Set your gaze on Him and kneel at His feet, casting all your worldly crowns at His holy throne and get lost in Him, so that you may be found in Him!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Don't Be A Stranger

Can you imagine a wife only telling her husband that she loves him in public for all to see? Maybe she sends a home cooked lunch for him just to show his co-workers how much she cares for him but in private she does not even speak to him or look his direction. Perhaps she holds his hand in front of a crowd or kisses his face to draw the affections of a target audience or to grow influence.
She puts on quite a show and it sure appears she is a loving and devoted wife to people looking from the outside.

Behind closed doors it’s a totally different story.  She has no time for him and places no value in love or intimacy with the one she showcases to the world. There is no real connection, and if someone saw this true side of her they might ask, “Do these two even know each other?”

This sounds like an awful way to live and certainly not much of a marriage. It is obvious the husband is being used and taken advantage of for the wife’s personal gain and getting very little or nothing in return. Why would a husband stay with no lover, no mate, and no value placed on him? Why would he allow his wife to use him to draw people in to believe a lie? Could it be that because he loves her so much he is willing to lay all his own desires, feelings and needs aside in hopes that one day, just maybe, she will WANT to really love him?

The Lord spoke to me this last week about how so many of his children want what He can give them and will walk with Him in public to gather the influence of those around them. They sing about Him in public, maybe lift their hands or even talk about Him to show how much they know Him, but actually there is no real relationship with Him.  They are far from Him and show Him no love or attention when the crowds are gone. It breaks His heart, but yet He waits, just in case they may need Him or want to spend time with Him.

I challenge you in this hour that we who are in the body of Christ must KNOW Him as a real wife knows her husband. He is calling you to the inner chamber with Him and He desires an intimate relationship with you more than anything else you can give Him. Spend time “learning” Him. Learn what His likes and dislikes are. Learn how He wants to be addressed by you, what song He wants to hear from your heart.  He KNOWS you.  Do you KNOW Him? Don't be a stranger to the One Who knows you better than anyone.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Who's Your Donkey?

Greetings family!  I hope the title of this blog made you laugh like it did me!

Let me start this off by saying we serve a GOOD God! Just take a minute and reflect on how good God has been to you and your family.  The Lord has been reminding me over the last few days of times He has rescued me or healed me in moments when I had lost faith.  Today as I write this I am so grateful for all of you and for how God is bringing together a remnant of people to see His will fulfilled.  However, you might not get to your perfect place the way you expected...thus that title.

God has been downloading a lot about "the donkey" and I laugh even at the thought but there are times and places in our lives where we all have encountered donkeys.  I'm sure you know the story about when Jesus had a need and in that moment there was a donkey waiting nearby to meet His need.  I've heard it preached so many different ways but the Lord used this story in a new way for me.  We all have different needs at different times in our lives and God has an amazing way to meet our needs in unexpected ways, sometimes funny, sometimes unimaginable, and even with strange resources like a donkey.

Recently I was sitting in a service and God shifted a man's whole message to speak to a particular need of me and my family.  As I sat there in amazement at how precise and direct the word was just for us, I had an overwhelming "knowing" of how much He loves us and will surprise us to meet our needs.  There were over 180 other people sitting in that room likely wondering why the preacher went on the rabbit trail he did but as I sat there with tears streaming I knew I was at a moment when I had met a donkey.  Some would call it a divine setup, some would call it a kairos moment, and all the above is true but for me the Lord said it was my donkey moment. He immediately took me back to that story of when He had a need and the donkey was an unconventional solution.

You might be at a place in your life where you don't understand why you're in a certain place, at a certain job, or in a relationship with a certain person.  It may be simply because that is where your donkey will come and shift your life, to carry you into your perfect destiny, just as that donkey did for Jesus.  Sometimes God will give you a word or bring someone or something into your life to help you or sustain you. If things look hazy around you or you aren't sure where to turn next, you can always rest on knowing God will supply your needs and give you divine direction.   When He does, hold tight to your donkey!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Dance With Me

Will you dance with Me? I met the dancer of our souls today and He longs to dance with you. He longs to hold you close as you cry on Him. Your Lord wants to dance with you. Yes the creator of Heaven and Earth wants a dancing date with you His child. Don’t you understand He died so He can come and be close to you and me? He longs for you my friend; He cries out will you come away and dance with Me? He wants to set you free from hurt and pain, sadness, heaviness, sickness, and poverty. He paid it all and as you read this He is calling you to dance with Him and trust His lead. You’re set free! You are healed, provided for, loved and cared for! Yes, God loves you! Right now where ever you are He is there with you. 

He is the writer of your soul, He is writing on your heart and soul today. It’s a new day of closeness with the One that died for this very moment. Trust Him. As He speaks to you in this life allow Him to lead you. Separate yourself from the sounds of the world and tune your ear to the sounds of Heaven. He sings over you always; He is in complete control over your mind, will and emotions and He knows right where you are today. He has a plan for you and all you have to do is allow Him to lead in your dance with Him. 

He is writing on your heart today freedom, joy, love, peace, a sound mind, and healing of your body and soul! Lift your eyes o My children for your God is here. Will you dance with Me? 

Click the video below...

*Photo credit - Mellanie Villarreal 

Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Jesus!

As many of us enjoy times with our families, there are many without any family or anyone to spend this day with. I am reminded today that we all have one thing in common; no matter who we are we have the same amazing Father, the Savior that laid His life down for us all. His eye is on each of us today, and He knows right where we are. He knows what we all need and His mind is not on what we can give Him for His birthday, but what He can do for us. Can you even imagine the heart of the Man that laid Himself down to save us? Not only did He give His life once but He is still giving us everything He has today and everyday. He loves us more than any of us can understand or even imagine. What a man, what a God, what a friend! He is everything we need. No matter where you are today or who you’re with, you have Jesus spending His birthday with you. Let Him be whatever you have need of today. Call on His name and He will answer. Some might need a comforter or a healer, or maybe a spouse or a parent. He knows you better than you know yourself…just let Him in and let Him love you! Happy Birthday Jesus! I love you! 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

What moves you?

What is your ear tuned to these days? What grabs your heart? What have you allowed to grab your attention? What moves you to action? 

We see hurting and starving children on tv or the internet almost every day. The news of death and tragedy is everywhere; does it even affect you anymore? How about the hurting people around you that you may work with or go to church with? Some of them put on a fake face of all is well, but deep down we all know that something is NOT right and they are going through a trial or experiencing pain. 

Maybe you are the one that is going through something painful, an emotional struggle, feeling lost or lonely.  Perhaps you are having a hard time with just your every day activities. Don’t you want to be free from the pain of life or feel again? 

See we are the people with the remedy to pain or sickness, to loneliness, to every sorrow. We have a HOPE and a promise of a future.  We have peace and joy and true happiness. We have the answer to EVERY situation. Yes, there is real hope for this broken world and His name is JESUS Christ!  

He would change anything for you, move any mountain.  He wants to heal your broken heart and fill you with overwhelming love; to be that comfort you are longing for. He wants to wrap you in His arms and protect you from every attack.

The thief comes in the night to take HOPE from us all, but he has no ability or permission unless we give it to him (which is another message for another day but if you feel that you have lost hope please contact me directly and we will pray for you to be free again through our Lord Jesus Christ).  Don’t let him steal anything that isn’t his!

So back to my original question…The Lord awoke me today and said “What moves My people anymore?” I felt His heart and His love for the people as they cried out to the Lord in their private time or their time of despair. The Lord is asking you today “What moves YOU to action?” because His children are lost and asking for Him for help. So in turn He is asking you to go, to lay down your own agenda and find His children and bring them hope again through His Presence. Just one touch is all it takes. How will they know unless we tell them?  It’s time for God’s people to be the Jesus in this world that He created us to be.  Are you ready to go?  Are you ready to take action?

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Corner

There was a time in my life when the enemy came to push me in the corner...let me explain.  I have always been a strong person, a strong woman, not easily intimidated or fearful.  There are some things that happen, though, that take my breath away, that hurt down to the bone.  I know we all have had things that have caused deep wounds or areas where we have wondered how we can ever recover.  Some of us have experienced the true meaning of the word brokenness.

In that season I was in a completely broken state.  I tried to block things and people out, and I became someone different as I tried to recover alone.  I found myself living in fear and confusion.  I had a deep desire to give up, to get in the fetal position in the corner of my room, cover my head, and cry. I knew I needed God and I knew it was only in His presence I could get healed and set free from the bondage of that brokenness and where it had taken me.

I felt the Lord wooing me to a secret place in Him, away from everything else and everyone else.  I simply said "Yes, Lord I will meet you there; I will draw near to You."  I told Him I had nothing to give and nothing to say, and I told Him to take over.  He came in like a flood and began to heal me and talk to me, teach me and correct me, and most importantly to show me how much He loved me.  I met Him in that same place every day for almost over a year before I felt completely free.

In my healing process the Lord taught me that the devil comes to steal not just life itself but our passions, our hopes and our dreams. The enemy wants us lost in our life so we have no impact in the world. When we are broken we hear the pounding of our pain. It's distracting and it gets us off of our focus. That's why the Word says we must cast all our cares and burdens on Him. We have to come quickly to Him for help and He will always show up to heal us.

You see the goal of the enemy is to keep you bound in brokenness, ineffective for the kingdom of God, so as pain comes or hurt comes you have a choice to make: do you retreat to the corner or stand and fight to stay free? It's so easy to slip back into that place of hurt because pain knows pain.  That means you can actually find a kind of comfort in the pain itself.  Maybe you were hurt by a parent as a child or later in life by a close friend. Different events bring different types of pain in different stages of life but this new pain will take you back to the hurts you experienced as a child and it will try to compound. You may think "I was healed before but the pain keep coming back."  Listen to me, you are healed!

It's really like a symptom; we all get them and when they come we try to self-diagnose ourselves. We even Google our symptoms trying to figure out what they mean, when what we should be doing is immediately declaring and decreeing our healing and victory over every sickness.  The same goes with pain or offense; as new pain appears it's like a symptom and we have to quickly make the decision not to accept it but to instantly release it, and old pain will try to tempt you to take it back, but say "NO!"  The devil thinks he's smooth but just recognize it's a trick, it's an attack in the battlefield of our minds and we have to take our thoughts under submission and stand on the Word and its truth. The truth is it's not even our fight and we have been set free and we can stay free all by making 1 choice.  Just refuse to accept it and give it to the Lord.

You know, God says "Meet Me in the altar." He says that so that we will bring our needs to Him-ALL of our needs. We can have an altar anywhere -- my bed, my couch, my floor, my closet -- and that becomes the place where we decide to release it all into His presence. You don't have to wait for a service to get to Him. You don't really have to do anything but just worship Him and then say "Lord I am here, please help me." He will show up every single time and He always makes a way of escape for us.

He loves you SO much and He never wants you to be in pain or to see you hurting.  He is greater than anything you will ever face, so stand on Him, stand on the Truth, stand on the Word...get out of that corner the devil pushed you into and just STAND!