Friday, November 20, 2015

The Corner

There was a time in my life when the enemy came to push me in the corner...let me explain.  I have always been a strong person, a strong woman, not easily intimidated or fearful.  There are some things that happen, though, that take my breath away, that hurt down to the bone.  I know we all have had things that have caused deep wounds or areas where we have wondered how we can ever recover.  Some of us have experienced the true meaning of the word brokenness.

In that season I was in a completely broken state.  I tried to block things and people out, and I became someone different as I tried to recover alone.  I found myself living in fear and confusion.  I had a deep desire to give up, to get in the fetal position in the corner of my room, cover my head, and cry. I knew I needed God and I knew it was only in His presence I could get healed and set free from the bondage of that brokenness and where it had taken me.

I felt the Lord wooing me to a secret place in Him, away from everything else and everyone else.  I simply said "Yes, Lord I will meet you there; I will draw near to You."  I told Him I had nothing to give and nothing to say, and I told Him to take over.  He came in like a flood and began to heal me and talk to me, teach me and correct me, and most importantly to show me how much He loved me.  I met Him in that same place every day for almost over a year before I felt completely free.

In my healing process the Lord taught me that the devil comes to steal not just life itself but our passions, our hopes and our dreams. The enemy wants us lost in our life so we have no impact in the world. When we are broken we hear the pounding of our pain. It's distracting and it gets us off of our focus. That's why the Word says we must cast all our cares and burdens on Him. We have to come quickly to Him for help and He will always show up to heal us.

You see the goal of the enemy is to keep you bound in brokenness, ineffective for the kingdom of God, so as pain comes or hurt comes you have a choice to make: do you retreat to the corner or stand and fight to stay free? It's so easy to slip back into that place of hurt because pain knows pain.  That means you can actually find a kind of comfort in the pain itself.  Maybe you were hurt by a parent as a child or later in life by a close friend. Different events bring different types of pain in different stages of life but this new pain will take you back to the hurts you experienced as a child and it will try to compound. You may think "I was healed before but the pain keep coming back."  Listen to me, you are healed!

It's really like a symptom; we all get them and when they come we try to self-diagnose ourselves. We even Google our symptoms trying to figure out what they mean, when what we should be doing is immediately declaring and decreeing our healing and victory over every sickness.  The same goes with pain or offense; as new pain appears it's like a symptom and we have to quickly make the decision not to accept it but to instantly release it, and old pain will try to tempt you to take it back, but say "NO!"  The devil thinks he's smooth but just recognize it's a trick, it's an attack in the battlefield of our minds and we have to take our thoughts under submission and stand on the Word and its truth. The truth is it's not even our fight and we have been set free and we can stay free all by making 1 choice.  Just refuse to accept it and give it to the Lord.

You know, God says "Meet Me in the altar." He says that so that we will bring our needs to Him-ALL of our needs. We can have an altar anywhere -- my bed, my couch, my floor, my closet -- and that becomes the place where we decide to release it all into His presence. You don't have to wait for a service to get to Him. You don't really have to do anything but just worship Him and then say "Lord I am here, please help me." He will show up every single time and He always makes a way of escape for us.

He loves you SO much and He never wants you to be in pain or to see you hurting.  He is greater than anything you will ever face, so stand on Him, stand on the Truth, stand on the Word...get out of that corner the devil pushed you into and just STAND!

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