Greetings family! I hope the title of this blog made you laugh like it did me!
Let me start this off by saying we serve a GOOD God! Just take a minute and reflect on how good God has been to you and your family. The Lord has been reminding me over the last few days of times He has rescued me or healed me in moments when I had lost faith. Today as I write this I am so grateful for all of you and for how God is bringing together a remnant of people to see His will fulfilled. However, you might not get to your perfect place the way you expected...thus that title.
God has been downloading a lot about "the donkey" and I laugh even at the thought but there are times and places in our lives where we all have encountered donkeys. I'm sure you know the story about when Jesus had a need and in that moment there was a donkey waiting nearby to meet His need. I've heard it preached so many different ways but the Lord used this story in a new way for me. We all have different needs at different times in our lives and God has an amazing way to meet our needs in unexpected ways, sometimes funny, sometimes unimaginable, and even with strange resources like a donkey.
Recently I was sitting in a service and God shifted a man's whole message to speak to a particular need of me and my family. As I sat there in amazement at how precise and direct the word was just for us, I had an overwhelming "knowing" of how much He loves us and will surprise us to meet our needs. There were over 180 other people sitting in that room likely wondering why the preacher went on the rabbit trail he did but as I sat there with tears streaming I knew I was at a moment when I had met a donkey. Some would call it a divine setup, some would call it a kairos moment, and all the above is true but for me the Lord said it was my donkey moment. He immediately took me back to that story of when He had a need and the donkey was an unconventional solution.
You might be at a place in your life where you don't understand why you're in a certain place, at a certain job, or in a relationship with a certain person. It may be simply because that is where your donkey will come and shift your life, to carry you into your perfect destiny, just as that donkey did for Jesus. Sometimes God will give you a word or bring someone or something into your life to help you or sustain you. If things look hazy around you or you aren't sure where to turn next, you can always rest on knowing God will supply your needs and give you divine direction. When He does, hold tight to your donkey!
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