Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Inner Beauty

As women we have a tendency to illuminate things in the mirror as we judge ourselves. It's crazy how the world is ALL about our outer appearance with no real focus on inner beauty. My mom always use to say "Pretty is as pretty does."  Let's be honest, we all have looked at other women all around the world and said "Lord why did you give her all the goods?" We compare ourselves with others, not only in outer beauty but in "the goods" also.

Years ago in my earlier 20's the Lord took me to Gal 5:16 where it talks about the fruits of the Spirit.  You would crack up hearing that conversation I had with the Lord. Here is part of it. Me: "Lord I am kind, long suffering, and loving!" God: "Yes daughter that's the plan for you, but that's not who you are today." He showed me I struggled with outbursts of wrath.  Hahaha. I am sure my husband was glad that He showed me that one! He is so gentle but so black and white and straight to the point.  Ladies, I don't know about you but the Lord talks to me bluntly...He knows I have to have it that way and I really love it because it's always right what I need every single time.

As I began to focus on my inner beauty asking the Holy Spirit to help me walk in all the fruits of the Spirit I saw changes in my outer appearance as well.  Let me give you an example. I began to look at myself as a gift to others around me. The Lord began to teach me that I am a gift to my husband, my children, my parents, my church family, even my in-laws. When you think of a gift it's not the outer package that is the reward it's what is inside that matters. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to not take care of your temple ladies lol, but I am saying as you work on the inside it will guide you to deal with and correct things on the outside as well.

Recently I have been on a weight loss journey. Funny thing is I feel like I have been on this road ever since my youngest was born. You know what I mean it's always "I'll start my diet on Monday"  Anyway, this time was different  because it was in me, in my spirit, to do it. When I got to the end of myself with it the Lord spoke to me and said "Why haven't you asked me for help in this area?" See I was trying to do it only in the strong arm of the flesh.  When we try to do anything ourselves without the Lord, (I mean anything - like raising children, being a good wife to our husbands, whatever...He cares about it all) we will struggle and probably fail. He is a God that is all about the details in our lives. He loves to be invited to get involved in everything, yes everything. So I said "Ok Lord, help me in this area." As we walked this journey together day by day, He taught me things and corrected some things in me. The biggest change I saw Him make was to help me control my thoughts and not to be thinking about my next meal while I am eating my current meal lol.  My amazing hubby and his friends love to eat and eat good so they literally will plan their daily schedules and even traveling around where they want to eat. That taught me a habit to always be thinking of what's next. Holy Spirit taught me to feel satisfied with what I just had and let Him plan my future provision.  That principle can easily be applied to our finances or anything else we need. Since we started on this I have lost over 25 pounds and i have another 10 or so to go so keep me in your prayers for that :)

As you read this I am sure some of you are saying "Well Aprile that's easier said than done." Those were my thoughts too, but if you stop and think about it that would apply to more than half the stuff we do on a daily basis. It's only through Him that helps us, so it actually IS easy if you lean on Him for it like you do other things in your life.  You just have to ask; the Word says we have not because we ask not. What else do you struggle with because you haven't asked for His help?

Today, stop looking in the mirror and instead start looking inward.  Ask the Lord to teach you how to make your temple clean for Him in every way.  I promise it's a journey you want to take. Being whole in Him is so powerful. You will be able to hear Him so clearly because you allow your own walls to come down, when you remove any blockages between you and your Father. We become who He created us to be..the woman of God, the gift to the world that we are. Step into your destiny.

Keep it real ladies! Love you all!